Buy Perspectives On Arabic Linguistics: Papers From The Annual Symposium On Arabic Linguistics. Volume Iv: Detroit, Michigan 1990 1992

Buy Perspectives On Arabic Linguistics: Papers From The Annual Symposium On Arabic Linguistics. Volume Iv: Detroit, Michigan 1990 1992

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In October 2013, Carlotta Werner was invited as artist in residency to Istanbul.

The HAYY RESIDENCY is a project by the artist collective nüans, which aims to unfold at an isolated location and to occupy a specific space for a certain period of time. Inspired by the isolated rooftop terrace, her works deal with the surrounding shapes, colours and movements in Istanbul’s October.

Overlooking Istanbul

Set of anodized Aluminium bowls

41°1’31’’ N 28°58’40’’ O

Sequence of 15 graphics


Colour study

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Maximilian Bauer
Dan Guo
Johannes Hein
Nils Volkmann

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